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Hello ! I'd like to suggest the new track I made, a dirt/tech map with exotic transitions
If you have some time to spare, give it a try !

(and i'm not suggesting it only because i'm really proud of the picture i made :d )


A plastic/dirt/tech map set in a cute cartoonish world using various plastic related mechanics.
Built this dirt mini :d

Location: PL
Marble Falls  
I love this map, XLRB is an upcoming ice mapping talent and would deserve to get a bit of a reward for his effort :)

Location: NL
A fun, yet pretty competitive map I made. Contains a few ice parts, mostly revolves around tightly avoiding snow piles on the sides of the road. Spent some time on making it pretty unique and original :d


Short and sweet plastic tech I made recently! :)
Quite happy how my 5th map turned out!
Last edited by Pwny68,

Location: DK

Location: NL

Location: AT
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