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Hey guys, I think this one flows pretty nicely 🙂
I implemented some crazy ideas from my girlfriend on my track for this months MTC. :build:
Including ice-dirt-sliding, a looping, backwards-driving and a 180-turn on an only 4x4x4 wide track. :cool:

Location: AT

Zinvara, a dark planet lit up by its radiant glowing moon surrounded by a rocky landscape and flowing waterfalls. This map provides a smooth and flowy grass route with road scattered in. Enjoy!

Last edited by Fashooooo,

Wicked mixed surface speedfun track by 2 relatively unknown authors :build:

Location: DE
Hello ! I would like to suggest my last fullspeed map :d

by   Naaledi

This map is in my opinion beginner-friendly, with its relatively easy-to-learn route, and its safe way (for the "magnet jump" which is... a drop). There are also 5 double-respawns with turbos (from the 3rd to the last CP) ! :d

Well... when we double-respawn at the CP before the magnet drop, we theoretically don't need the safe way, but it's still here, just in case. :d

ENJOY ! :cool:

Last edited by Naaledi,
hey i would like to suggest my own map
i spent a long time making and think its pretty suitet for competitive
Fullspeed dirt track i made :)

Location: NO
A clean dirt/tech map made by both Afyx and myself. Some nice flow and also super clean and aesthetic scenery :d

Last edited by dom,

Location: GB
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