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A nice, smooth and somewhat short transitional tech map! Very fun to hunt and pleasing to play.

The new Meta for scenery.  

Made this recently. Pretty happy with the results and i do think myself that the gameplay is at least decent. Happy with the decoration although it can be blinding at some parts. Please check it out tho :)

Last edited by Intax,
Fun huntable tech!  
New to trackmania. Here is my first released map. CORREOUX, It is a fun huntable tech map!


cyberpunk, plastic, neon.

Can I suggest my track? :)

A bit challenging track but should be fun for those looking for a challenge!

Track Submition  
Can I submit my own map? Well, this is a tech map with grass slides. I tried to make the AT a bit harder so it could be a challenge! I put a lot of effort into it :d


Location: AT
Spring Lines  
Hello! This is a dirt map i made with the TMGL spring mod for fun, i hope it's enjoyable :)

Location: NL
Map submission  
I'd like to suggest my latest map: a transitional mixed map with a nice bugslide I spent quite a lot of time building.
Have fun
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