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You can also access this list when uploading a map or editing the details of a map. There's a "?" link next to the style tags area when editing the details of your map. It's posted here for convenient viewing/reference:

Altered Nadeo
Maps that modify Nadeo maps in some way, usually by replacing some blocks or changing surfaces. This tag is required for any maps that qualify.

An open map where the driver decides their own route. Also used for gamemodes such as Flag Rush.

A track where you drive part, or all, of the map in reverse gear.

A large percentage of the map is using the RoadIce (aka Bobsleigh) blocks.

A map that includes one or more bugslides. They are achieved by landing 90 degrees from the direction you're moving while holding the bugslide inputs, which are accelerator, brake, and turning in the direction you're facing.

A track featuring bumper physics. It's the block that immediately yeets you when you touch it. The block came with TM2 Stadium. It is now a custom block in this game.

Maps of various styles submitted to, or chosen by, driving competitions. Maps are usually easy to finish, but hard to master.

A track using the Cruise Control effect blocks.

A track using the Desert car.

Mostly Dirt roads and platforms.

A map intended to teach the driver something.

A very long race map. Usually over 3 minutes in length, and usually a point to point race, not a multilap. The map may have multiple styles throughout the race. RPGs and Trials by themselves are not usually called Endurance. It mostly refers to race maps with Tech, SpeedTech, FullSpeed, or a mix of these with other styles.

A map using Engine Off blocks. Previously known as Freewheeling.

Maps built for the FlagRush game mode.

A map which uses the fragile block in some way.

Maps that heavily use the free block mode in a way that makes it clear that the map wouldn't exist otherwise.

Tony Hawk in Trackmania. Imagine a skatepark, but for your Trackmania car. Usually features checkpoints near areas where you can practice sections.

Full throttle the entire map. Long flowing turns. Loops, wallrides, and similar common. Brake very rarely used (to initiate a SpeedDrift in Stadium for example), except for special driving techniques. High speeds expected.

Mostly driving on stadium grass or grass blocks.

Heavy use of ice platforms or flat ice roads. Use the Bobsleigh tag for maps featuring the RoadIce blocks.

Tracks in the style of those submitted to the Kackiest Kacky competition. Often the maps are very short, but have a single very difficult trick that can take hours to get right. Mostly luck based.

Shorter tracks centered around a single idea or challenge. They often break expectations. Simple & driveable. Usually, but not always, luck based. Sometimes skill based as well. Commonly found on popular online servers. Good for new/casual players. Heavily luck based LOL-style maps fall under the "Kacky"-Tag.

The map features blocks or items that use magnet, super magnet, or accelerated magnets.

A very short track, usually under 30 seconds, but often even shorter. Unlike "LOL", the maps are of higher quality and don't feature lucky parts, but rather require high skill to drive a good time.

For example, golf maps, pachinko, and more.

A map featuring multiple surfaces in one map, such as dirt, grass, ice and concrete.

A map where you drive with two or more cars during the race.

Moving Items
A map featuring moving items, especially as part of the route.

Wet or icy tires on dirt that enable you to do faster turns. Brake is not used for this technique.

Two or more laps over all or most of the same track. Often using more than one track style.

Maps can use roads and platforms. Multilap is common, as are long turns, tilted roads, and s-bends. Simple released turns most of the time. Sometimes similar to SpeedFun. Some have sparing use of loopings and wallrides. Classic Nascar maps have flat turns and tilted turns with drifting.

A map using the NoBrake block.

A map using the NoSteer block.

The name is taken from the parkour-like gamemode of the same name in ShootMania. These maps use the CharacterDriver as a vehicle. You run, jump, and perform various tricks to reach each checkpoint, and ultimately the finish.

The dominant part of the track is on sand, grass, beach, snow or water. Road-shaped blocks or non-natural structures such as platforms are the exception. The route is often defined by the use of terraforming or other blocks to outline the path.

Mazes and other types of maps where the player has to figure out the fastest route themselves.

Maps featuring a lot of pipe blocks.

A map featuring plastic blocks.

Similar to Trial, but much easier. Jumping and climbing are common. Traditionally played in a special gamemode where the goal is to respawn as few times as possible. But sometimes used outside of the gamemode to refer to the map style itself.

Press Forward
Driver holds throttle key for entire race. The car automatically arrives at finish without needing to steer. Often focus on stunts that are not normally possible, when driving manually. Also used for other maps of the same type, like "Press Left" maps.

Maps built for the Puzzle game mode.

A catch-all for maps that don’t fit neatly inside another style. For example, many of Nadeo’s campaign maps. Use this style if you are unsure of your tracks style.

A map featuring the Rally car.

A map which features reactor boosts in a prominent way.

The track has been rebuilt based on a map design from a previous game. It may be a map from yourself or another builder. Always credit the original author and link to the original map.

A map built for the Royal gamemode with 5 sections.

Maps often incorporating many styles. A style adjacent to Platform and Trial. RPG tracks often consist of tricks like pipe balancing, wallride balancing, difficult jumps and pathfinding.

The map should put an emphasis on the immersion of the player into a world other than Trackmania, for instance by using elaborate scenery, pathfinding, mods, MediaTracker, lore, etc. The route should be part of the scenery, and, as much as possible, huntable. The map should be flowy and include tricks that players usually do not see in common Trackmania maps. Immersive RPG is closer to the original idea of what RPG stands for, as in the TM² RPG title pack: an adventure where the player needs to explore and find their way through different themed sceneries and landscapes.

Maps which are built primarily with the RoadBump blockset, which is colloquially known as Sausage blocks.

The author paid extra attention to decorating the track.

No style rules. The author builds a map following only their own creativity. If the author has made many maps, the map is probably recognizable as being from them without even looking at the author name.

Slow Motion
A considerable portion of the map is driven in slow motion.

Maps that require a SpeedDrift to be used. A SpeedDrift is a very slight slide that you can initiate with over 400kph speed. Performing the SD will yield a speed advantage. Here's a tutorial on how to perform it: Trackmania FS | Speedslide & s4d | Tutorial Ep.5

Similar to FullSpeed. However, tracks involve release parts and/or drifts generally not started by braking. Also includes walls, loops, and SpeedDrifts, but generally not as many as FullSpeed. Turnovers, corkscrews, and 'Tsunami-Walls' are not common.

For maps created during events where you have a limited time to build your map, such as KEKL (15mins), TBC (30mins), or 90MC (90mins).

Faster than tech. Long flowing turns. Driver slides through much of the track. Slides often initiated by the track, not the driver. Can sometimes contain Fullspeed elements, like loops.

A track which forces the driver to do various stunts, including backflips, barrel rolls, and more. Often featured in LOL, Minis, and FullSpeed. This tag may also be used for maps which are built for the official Stunt gamemode. Players looking to filter specifically for Stunt gamemode maps can also use the "MapType" filter in search.

Tight turns and passages throughout. The driver often required to slide most parts or let off throttle. Easy to learn, hard to master. Popular choice for competitions.

Maps containing smooth jumps where you exit or enter a block from a direction not intended by the creator of the block.

A challenge to reach every checkpoint. May contain very precise jumps and balancing elements with little room for error. Rarely used parts of blocks. A test of patience and skill. Often (very) long track lengths.

Maps where the player spends some time upside down in the Stadium car wiggling back and forth using the technique known as turtling.

A map featuring part of the map driven with the car fully submerged underwater.

A map using water roads or wet wheels.

A map using wood blocks, especially the new wood added with the 20th anniversary update.

Tracks in the style of French streamer ZeratoR, the creator of the ZrT Cup. Some signature design cues: Heavy use of blockmixing, obstacles in the road, unsmooth jumps, and an "anything-goes" attitude when it comes to the route.
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