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 Apricot Ft Westcomb

by  slump +1 |  83
Track Of The Day
High quality
AT   00:40.836 |  Stadium / CarSport   |   Beginner 
ID  84170 
 Visible (approved) |  Released 
 slump — Route
 Westcomb — Scenery
 Featured in Community Videos
 Offline records
# Record User Score Date
1st   00:40.568  SkiFreak 83 (100%)
2nd   00:40.946  Minimariner 66.4 (80%)
3rd   00:40.962  Balchaman 53.95 (65%)
4th   00:41.220  lefoudu32 45.65 (55%)
5th   00:41.646  Exie2K 38.18 (46%)
6th   00:42.181  Liffey 33.2 (40%)
7th   00:42.397  pomp0t 29.05 (35%)
8th   00:42.588  BorisXIV 24.9 (30%)
9th   00:42.691  Lynnwicked 21.58 (26%)
10th   00:42.920  manu2k21 18.26 (22%)
11th   00:43.178   MrPepsy 15.77 (19%)
12th   00:43.243  Jesus3000 13.28 (16%)
13th   00:43.287  eyebo 11.62 (14%)
14th   00:44.711  pinp0x 9.96 (12%)
15th   00:44.971  ElHondo 9.13 (11%)
16th   00:52.357  walabulu4 8.3 (10%)
17th   01:05.525  loli4 7.47 (9%)
 Author Comments
Hello TrackmaniaExchange!

Apricot is the newest fullspeed racetrack located in high above the beautiful autumn countryside. The track is named after the abundant apricot trees that line its winding, high-speed corners.

Built in the early 21st century, the track is known for its challenging layout, which features a mix of long straights for SD's and clean technical features.

One of the track's most famous features is "Apricot Hill," a steep declined tube that challenges even the most skilled drivers. The hill is named after the apricot orchard that once stood in its place, and it has become a favorite spot for fans to watch the races.

Apricot plans to host some of the most exciting fullspeed races in history, drawing in the best drivers from around the world. Whether you're a seasoned racer or a casual fan, a visit to Apricot is a must-see experience!

Thanks to Gilaga for testing and driving the GPS :d

Edit: Leaderboard with old start
 Embedded objects55 Objects
Object IX? Object author
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 45 / 55 items are available on IX View on ItemExchange
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