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 Watern't 3

by  dragonpntm  |  126
It's a start
Open to feedback
Featured on TMX
Track Of The Day
AT   00:47.396 |  Stadium / CarSport   |   Intermediate 
ID  82108 
  Dirt Water Race    
 Visible (approved) |  Released 
 Featured in Community Videos
 dragonpntm  |    dragonpntm
 Offline records
# Record User Score Date
1st   00:46.328  Minimariner 126 (100%)
2nd   00:46.434  Josephine 100.8 (80%)
3rd   00:46.765  RogueDawn 81.9 (65%)
4th   00:46.967  SkiFreak 69.3 (55%)
5th   00:47.023  Liffey 57.96 (46%)
6th   00:47.124  SniperCat 50.4 (40%)
7th   00:47.378  lefoudu32 44.1 (35%)
8th   00:47.671  Balchaman 37.8 (30%)
9th   00:49.414   green-K- 32.76 (26%)
10th   00:49.702  FalcoTM. 27.72 (22%)
11th   00:50.141  manu2k21 23.94 (19%)
12th   00:50.351   Airwam 20.16 (16%)
13th   00:50.701  pomp0t 17.64 (14%)
14th   00:54.803  chpoit 15.12 (12%)
15th   00:56.051  pinp0x 13.86 (11%)
16th   00:57.705   MrPepsy 12.6 (10%)
 Author Comments
Enjoy another Watern't map with better transitions and no rng water parts!;)

 Embedded objects15 Objects
Object IX? Object author
WaterWall.Block.Gbx Leores
WaterWallX4.Block.Gbx Leores
CP watern't flat.Block.Gbx 1J2ANeaCTD2QpPpgWhLf9A
finish with bottom of pool text.Block.Gbx 1J2ANeaCTD2QpPpgWhLf9A
M2_PlatformTechToDecoWallext.Block.Gbx 1J2ANeaCTD2QpPpgWhLf9A
platformCPpooltexture.Block.Gbx 1J2ANeaCTD2QpPpgWhLf9A
platformtoroadpooltext.Block.Gbx 1J2ANeaCTD2QpPpgWhLf9A
Pool bottom.Block.Gbx 1J2ANeaCTD2QpPpgWhLf9A
small wall bottom pool text.Block.Gbx 1J2ANeaCTD2QpPpgWhLf9A
startpooltext.Block.Gbx 1J2ANeaCTD2QpPpgWhLf9A
transitions item inside watern't.Item.Gbx 1J2ANeaCTD2QpPpgWhLf9A
GroundRemover.Block.Gbx slowpiou
WideCruiseControl.Block.Gbx Trackmaniadude
WideNoEngine.Block.Gbx Trackmaniadude
WideReset.Block.Gbx Trackmaniadude
 6 / 15 items are available on IX View on ItemExchange
 Included in mappacks
Name Creator Tracks Etc
2022 Q4 - Race  JT_421 24
TOTD - December 2023  dgahimer 29
 Track Feature

Wet wheels! Or not?

Feature time: -  Scarzor