Can YOU make the BIG JUMP?!?!?
That's right,
the BIG JUMP IS BACK, and it's
EVEN BIGGER!!! Welcome, to my Evil lair.
This track consists of 3 speedchecks, each of which require near perfection to make smoothly and are preceded by a precision section. Each section has a checkpoint to go along with it, I tried to make sure that at least once you know what you are supposed to do the checkpoints will be helpful rather than annoying. I also made quite the effort to avoid one of the other issues with most other 'hell' maps on tmx, momentum shift before speedchecks. Having to balance sding and PFing into the awful small platform ramps is the real hell, so I used a combination of cruise control (you won't gain speed from speed drifting during cruise control on this map) and longer ramps to ensure the only thing that matters is your speed. Speaking of which, this was incredibly frustrating to build, mostly because trying to make everything affect your speed by a similar amount and ensuring there are no inconsistencies that would introduce variance by even a few kmh was a huge pain in the ass. For that reason, I probably wont make another hell type map anytime soon. Also the gps isn't particularly good, I've had +5-10 more speed at most sections but I don't have time to make a faster one.
Anyway I'm going skiing now bye enjoy the pain while I'm gone Evilge
If this map is too difficult for you, check out this one:
(This map was updated to fix signs, you can find the old leaderboard