I had never touched either plastic, nor water before, and so this was a deliberate attempt at exploring new territory: I build a wet plastic map!
Now, hear me out, I know that wet plastic is awful, and water physics are too, but I think this map is not too aggravating. On the other hand, I think the route could be more fun, but it roughly works. I think I will never again build a wet-plastic-only map, it's just not my forte.
Only once I finished the map I realized that you can actually be too fast in the first water turn. This violates the first and most important rule of mapping, that you should never punish players for being too fast in a previous section of a map, but I don't care too much at this point. Water physics kill most of your runs up to that turn anyway, and if a few are then also killed by sliding out, so what? I don't expect anyone to hunt this map anyway.