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 [trial] - Amusement Park

by  Kriidy  |  12
It's a start
AT   02:45.882 |  Stadium / CarSport   |   Expert 
ID  59564 
 Visible (approved) |  Released 
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 Kriidy  |    Kriidy
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# Record User Score Date
1st   10:21.308  lefoudu32 12 (100%)
2nd   37:46.385  Ta Da 9.6 (80%)
 Author Comments
Hello, ladies and gentleman and everyone in-between!

With recent RPG hunting, I was inspired to build something similar of my own and behold - My very own "Amusement Park"!

It is not a difficult trial (more execution and huntability in mind) definitely a WICKED one as tricks are fun to execute and CP most allow to build up speed for easier setup - oneshotting everything intended way is definitely the satisfying part ;)

Definitely keeping the nooblets in mind when building :)

GPS also available ↑ ABOVE ↑ so check it out!

Fully respawnable ✅
Display cost: 12577
Potential oneshot time: 2:30ish

I hope you enjoy driving the map as much as I did building it!
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 19 / 22 items are available on IX View on ItemExchange