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by  dackstone  |  36
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It's a start
AT   00:45.795 |  Stadium / CarSport   |   Intermediate 
ID  56381 
 Visible (approved) |  Released 
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 Offline records
# Record User Score Date
1st   00:45.548   deadfish 36 (100%)
2nd   00:45.571  dackstone 28.8 (80%)
3rd   00:45.752  skai16 23.4 (65%)
4th   00:45.872  RogueDawn 19.8 (55%)
5th   00:47.928  Cactooos 16.56 (46%)
6th   01:31.337  pinp0x 14.4 (40%)
 Author Comments
Welcome to the CRAZYLAB!

This is an easy to figure out speedfun map with some autoslides, speeddrifts, wallrides and magnetic roads.
Who can reach the finish line the fastest? :award: :cool:

Have FUN!
 Embedded objects41 Objects
Object IX? Object author
PlatformFlatToBanked4R.Item.Gbx Rxelux
Schneebrett.Item.Gbx nnTdz5BrRkmenFJrAOHR_Q
PlatformTechTriSlopeBase.Item.Gbx nnTdz5BrRkmenFJrAOHR_Q
MagnetBaseLoop.Item.Gbx Entity
MyMagnetDiag1.Item.Gbx Entity
MyMagnetPlateform.Item.Gbx Entity
CoralUrchin.Item.gbx Yorsh
RoadMagnetV2Curve1.Item.Gbx Trackmaniadude
RoadMagnetV2BendUp1.Item.Gbx Trackmaniadude
RoadMagnetV2BendUp2.Item.Gbx Trackmaniadude
RoadMagnetV2ToWallLeft.Item.Gbx Trackmaniadude
RoadMagnetV2ToWallLeftCurveRight.Item.Gbx Trackmaniadude
RoadMagnetV2ToWallRight.Item.Gbx Trackmaniadude
RoadMagnetV2ToWallRightStrong.Item.Gbx Trackmaniadude
RoadMagnetV2Checkpoint.Item.Gbx Trackmaniadude
RoadMagnetV2FinishNonMagnet.Item.Gbx Trackmaniadude
GargantuanBagger293Full.Item.Gbx SchurkSmurf
EndrSatCommDish02.Item.Gbx SchurkSmurf
GroundCyanLarge.Item.Gbx krhczn
Mountain2_1.Item.Gbx krhczn
Mountain3_1.Item.Gbx krhczn
Mountain5.Item.Gbx krhczn
Mountain7.Item.Gbx krhczn
Mountain8_1.Item.Gbx krhczn
Moutain1.Item.gbx Nightwolf93
Moutain2.Item.gbx Nightwolf93
GP-1-1.Item.Gbx wMBUCAxgQo-zKYnlcCkF3g
GP-3-4.Item.Gbx wMBUCAxgQo-zKYnlcCkF3g
GP-4-1.Item.Gbx wMBUCAxgQo-zKYnlcCkF3g
GP-5-1.Item.Gbx wMBUCAxgQo-zKYnlcCkF3g
GP-5-4.Item.Gbx wMBUCAxgQo-zKYnlcCkF3g
GP-5-5.Item.Gbx wMBUCAxgQo-zKYnlcCkF3g
5x5Down2RightBankedToWallPlatform.Item.gbx Juice
Finish-arc-x2.Item.Gbx stupskiesel.nc
Light_Point_Blue_3.Item.Gbx stupskiesel.nc
Light_Point_White_3.Item.Gbx stupskiesel.nc
ArrowNeon.Item.Gbx niZe
RoadTechClipSlopeDown.Item.Gbx slowpiou
RoadTechClipSlopeUp.Item.Gbx slowpiou
RoadTechClipStraight.Item.Gbx slowpiou
GPSLabelBlue.Item.Gbx mariejuku
 39 / 41 items are available on IX View on ItemExchange
 Related maps
 Included in mappacks
Name Creator Tracks Etc
Dackstone's Collection  dackstone 25
 Track Feature

Fantastic implementation of magnet roads in this speedy map, fits the theme perfectly.

Feature time: -  Nacho