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by  GMomesso  |  10
It's a start
AT   01:25.144 |  Stadium / CarSport   |   Advanced 
ID  52379 
 Visible (approved) |  Released    2022-04-30T15:00:00.0000000 
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 Author Comments

GM & Guests presents: Amazonia

This map took 2 months of design and creation, and will be the new track in Amazonia chalenge!:cool:
Over 80 hours in the editor, this map is the biggest I've ever done. :build:
With a mix transitional style! Amazônia challenges you to go into the confines of the Brazilian tropical forest.
Passing through indigenous villages to show the struggle life these peoples live,
Deforestation is real! and can kill the planet if not taken care of!
Amazonia is basically the lungs of the world. without she we cannot survive! (brb)
One of the most beautiful places I could see in person. I hope that one day, everyone will take care of Amazonia.:award:


"Another gold mine is unveiled,
The source of our sorrow.
Embedded in these walls of green
Is the curse that we follow."


AMAZONIA Challenge seeks to raise awareness of the destruction of the Amazon Rainforest. In the event, you'll have a chance of making some coin and also help Indigenous People all across Brazil.


By purchasing any of the event's skins, you take part in a raffle that will happen when the event ends and will award 40% of the total prizepool to whoever gets selected.

Each version of the skin has a unique picture of a sunset as its background. That background is complimented by a scratch mark that tears through the car skin in blood red with a golden shadow, to represent the constant war these Indigenous People have fought for over 5 centuries already - the golden backdrop represents the immense value of these people. On the sides of the car you can see typical trees of the Amazon Rainforest, all of which catch fire when you press the brakes - never forget, the Amazon Rainforest is suffering from devastating fires for the longes time.

link to support the event: https://tmskins.gumroad.com/l/gvhoZF


For 7 days a map made by brazilian mapper genius @GMomesso will be availble to be hunted, and at the end of those 7 days (date is still TBA), whoever sits at the top of the global leaderboard for that map will win 60% of the prizepool (the other 40% will be given to a random person, check the SKINS section for info), along with a free car skin made by Tatau will work just like a commission, but free of any charges ;)

Dates for the event will be released soon! Make sure you follow Tatau on twitter https://twitter.com/tataunaplays to stay tuned and up to date!

if you like it, consider :award: :done:

special thanks to Tatauna with original ideas.
special thanks to Queen C. for all the mods.
special thanks to Neon_1990 for real feedback.

thank all :heart:

 Embedded objects80 Objects
Object IX? Object author
big_palm_tree_basic.Item.gbx squikeay
big_palm_tree_low.Item.gbx squikeay
big_palm_tree_tilted.Item.gbx squikeay
critters2a.Item.gbx htimh
PlatformDirtBiSlope2Start.Item.Gbx eyebo
PlatformDirtBiSlopeBase.Item.Gbx eyebo
PlatformDirtBiSlopeToSlope2Straight.Item.Gbx eyebo
PlatformGrassBiSlope2End.Item.Gbx eyebo
PlatformTechBiSlope2Start.Item.Gbx eyebo
PlatformTechBiSlopeToSlope2Straight.Item.Gbx eyebo
Tree.Item.Gbx SLAYER
Tree2.Item.Gbx SLAYER
FallenTree3.Item.Gbx niZe
FallenTree4.Item.Gbx niZe
Logs.Item.Gbx niZe
Tree1.Item.Gbx niZe
FenceStable.Item.Gbx niZe
Smoke.Item.Gbx niZe
PalmTree.Item.Gbx niZe
u_TM2_TrenchCurve3.Item.Gbx eFFecT
y_TM2_TrenchToRoadX2.Item.Gbx eFFecT
z_TM2_TrenchStraight.Item.Gbx eFFecT
PlatformDirtCurve3In.Item.Gbx Trackmaniadude
PlatformGrassCurve3In1.Item.Gbx Trackmaniadude
PlatformGrassCurve3In2.Item.Gbx Trackmaniadude
PlatformGrassCurve2Out2.Item.Gbx Trackmaniadude
DHA_G_Co_2x2.Item.Gbx stupskiesel.nc
DHA_G_Ci_4x4.Item.Gbx stupskiesel.nc
PltfHalfBankedToPltfBanked2BL2Dirt.Item.Gbx stupskiesel.nc
PltfHalfBankedToPltfBanked2BLDirt.Item.Gbx stupskiesel.nc
PltfFlatToPltfHalfBankedHighLeft4BLDirt.Item.Gbx stupskiesel.nc
HalfBankedCurf3x3Dirt.Item.Gbx stupskiesel.nc
PLTFDirtBankedCurf4x4.Item.Gbx stupskiesel.nc
PLTFTechBankedCurf4x4.Item.Gbx stupskiesel.nc
M2_PlatformTechTiltTransition2DownLeft.Block.Gbx SHIFT_Doomer.BE
M2_PlatformTechLoopEnd.Block.Gbx SHIFT_Doomer.BE
M2_PlatformTechSlope2Curf3Out.Block.Gbx SHIFT_Doomer.BE
M2_PlatformTechToDecoWall.Block.Gbx SHIFT_Doomer.BE
M2_PlatformTechWallCurve1.Block.Gbx SHIFT_Doomer.BE
M2_PlatformTechBase.Block.Gbx SHIFT_Doomer.BE
M2_PlatformTechSlope2Straight.Block.Gbx SHIFT_Doomer.BE
M2_PlatformTechTiltTransition2DownRight.Block.Gbx SHIFT_Doomer.BE
SuperBigRingCP1.Item.Gbx SchurkSmurf
SuperBigRingFIN1.Item.Gbx SchurkSmurf
GrassUBottomCurve2.Item.Gbx slowpiou
TechSlopeStartToFlatLeft_2X.Gbx.Item.Gbx slowpiou
DirtBankedToFlatDiag5L.Item.Gbx Rxelux
DirtBankedToFlatDiag5R.Item.Gbx Rxelux
PlatformFlatToBanked3L.Item.Gbx Rxelux
PlatformSlopeToBankedL.Item.Gbx Rxelux
DirtFlatToBanked6R.Item.Gbx Rxelux
PlatformFlatToBankedT3L.Item.Gbx Rxelux
PlatformFlatToBankedT4L.Item.Gbx Rxelux
y High1xOutsideV2.Item.Gbx thechraz
z High1xOutsideV1.Item.Gbx thechraz
y High1xInsideV2.Item.Gbx thechraz
z High1xInsideV1.Item.Gbx thechraz
y High1xV2.Item.Gbx thechraz
z High1xV1.Item.Gbx thechraz
Pic5.1.2.Item.Gbx Heasto
Rocher8.3.4.Item.Gbx Heasto
Rocher9.13.4.Item.Gbx Heasto
Rocher9.2.2.Item.Gbx Heasto
Rocher9.2.3.Item.Gbx Heasto
Rocher9.2.4.Item.Gbx Heasto
Rocher9.4.4.Item.Gbx Heasto
HtimH_Rock_Small01.item.gbx FE_OBpuQSvmlsJFIvMBWbw
HtimH_Rock01.item.gbx htimh1
HtimH_Rock03.item.gbx htimh1
HtimH_Rock04.item.gbx htimh1
HtimH_Rock05.item.gbx htimh1
cottage roof window 1.Item.Gbx Taccnien
Venice_Boat.Item.gbx Yorsh
LilyPad.Item.gbx Grymlock
Root1.Item.gbx Grymlock
Root3.Item.gbx Grymlock
MiddleWaterfallConnector.Item.Gbx Leores
MiddleWaterfallWall.Item.Gbx Leores
WaterSlope2.Block.Gbx Leores
WaterSlope3.Block.Gbx Leores
 79 / 80 items are available on IX View on ItemExchange
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