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 Fifth Accident

by  Lichfang  |  0
AT   00:34.460 |  Stadium / CarSport   |   Intermediate 
ID  50131 
  Transitional Mixed    
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Tried to learn how to build transitional maps. I think I learn a lot of stuff from this map. Hope you like it.
 Embedded objects35 Objects
Object IX? Object author
bridge start piece flat 1.Item.Gbx Taccnien
MyMagnetSlopeUbottom.Item.Gbx Entity
MyMagnetSlopeUtop.Item.Gbx Entity
bumproaddark.Block.Gbx Heasto
Rocher8.1.1.Item.Gbx Heasto
Rocher8.1.3.Item.Gbx Heasto
Rocher8.10.1.Item.Gbx Heasto
Rocher8.11.2.Item.Gbx Heasto
Rocher8.12.1.Item.Gbx Heasto
Rocher8.9.3.Item.Gbx Heasto
Pic8.1.2.Item.Gbx Heasto
Pic8.1.2.Item.Gbx Heasto
Rocher8.5.2.Item.Gbx Heasto
Rocher8.5.3.Item.Gbx Heasto
Rocher8.6.2.Item.Gbx Heasto
Rocher8.6.3.Item.Gbx Heasto
Rocher8.7.1.Item.Gbx Heasto
Rocher8.9.2.Item.Gbx Heasto
Rocher8.12.4.Item.Gbx Heasto
Rocher8.13.2.Item.Gbx Heasto
Rocher8.2.2.Item.Gbx Heasto
Rocher8.2.3.Item.Gbx Heasto
Rocher8.3.3.Item.Gbx Heasto
Rocher8.4.2.Item.Gbx Heasto
Cactus1.Item.Gbx niZe
Cactus3.Item.Gbx niZe
Cactus4.Item.Gbx niZe
DeadTree2.Item.Gbx niZe
DeadTree3.Item.Gbx niZe
DeadTree4.Item.Gbx niZe
DeadTree5.Item.Gbx niZe
FallenTree.Item.Gbx niZe
FallenTree3.Item.Gbx niZe
FallenTree4.Item.Gbx niZe
Tree_Stump.Item.Gbx niZe
 35 / 35 items are available on IX View on ItemExchange
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Series of Accidents  Lichfang 5