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by  shitfest +1 |  0
AT   00:44.302 |  Stadium / CarSport   |   Intermediate 
ID  48662 
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 TomerZ — original author
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Played: shitfest, Season 6, Edition 11 (TMGL edition)

What is shitfest? In short:
- What? Mixed/random-style (almost) weekly cup
- Where? TM2020, in the shitfest server (accessible in the club)
- When? Mondays at 8pm (20:00) CE(S)T
- Duration? About 45-60 minutes per edition
- Mode: rounds (points limit: ∞)
- Map pool of 15 short maps (AT < 1 minute)
- One warm-up, one live round
- Winner will be the player with most points after all 15 maps have been played

shitfest Discord: https://discord.gg/d9qyGdR
 Embedded objects29 Objects
Object IX? Object author
PlatformHalfRamp625CM.Block.Gbx OsqkmsHkSACI76a-gAuyuw
PlatformRamp2M.Block.Gbx OsqkmsHkSACI76a-gAuyuw
ssb_slope_start.Item.gbx squikeay
StadiumPlatformGridForceAcceleration.Item.Gbx eyebo
RoadTechToDirtLong.Item.Gbx Trackmaniadude
PltfHalfBankedToPltfBanked2BLTech.Item.Gbx stupskiesel.nc
HalfBankedTech.Item.Gbx stupskiesel.nc
Z_Mini_Pltf_Flat_Turbo1.Item.Gbx stupskiesel.nc
TriCellCommQz42.Item.Gbx SchurkSmurf
TriCellCommT35.Item.Gbx SchurkSmurf
aObstacleBulkyWFence01.Item.Gbx SchurkSmurf
FenceChickenWire01.Item.Gbx SchurkSmurf
FenceChickenWire51.Item.Gbx SchurkSmurf
Bagger293MainUnit.Item.Gbx SchurkSmurf
GargantuanBagger293Full.Item.Gbx SchurkSmurf
ExcavatorPrefabio03.Item.Gbx SchurkSmurf
HumptyDumpTruck01.Item.Gbx SchurkSmurf
NwSupaCrane0301.Item.Gbx SchurkSmurf
NwSupaCrane0401.Item.Gbx SchurkSmurf
NxwSupaCrane0633.Item.Gbx SchurkSmurf
RoadTechToRoadBumpChicaneX3Right.Item.Gbx slowpiou
PlatformBankedToFlatT4L.Item.Gbx Rxelux
bumpgrassdark.Block.Gbx Heasto
bumproaddark.Block.Gbx Heasto
TMWC_Ornament_02_2.Item.gbx htimh1
TMWC_Ornament_Pillar_02.Item.gbx htimh1
TMWC_Pillar_Small_01.Item.gbx htimh1
TMWC_Platform_01.Item.gbx htimh1
 29 / 29 items are available on IX View on ItemExchange
 Included in mappacks
Name Creator Tracks Etc
shitfest - Season 6  shitfest 293