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 Easy speed jumps recreation from TMNF by Gamerdgbo

by  Gamerdgboy  |  0
AT   01:05.771 |  Stadium / CarSport   |   Intermediate 
ID  45422 
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This is a old map, credit goes to myself 1 week ago

Old map details:

For beginners, sort of

Simple track for beginners that know a bit what they are doing. Nothing very complicated besides the Slight speed you may get combined with the jumps.

For more experienced players

You can try as many shortcuts as you want since there is only 1 checkpoint and little to no obstacles for your skill level.

Slight overview of the track

It begins with a straight road that leads into a corner placed right before a ramp that leads to some obstacles then a lot of speed, multiple consecutive ramps that make for jumps, more speed, finish line, drop, 180* corner, more speed, 3 ramps of which 2 are mostly skippable due to the speed, a jump to a few more ramps, a turn, a straight road, slightly more speed, a jump, a 180* turn, a few more ramps, a drop/jump, a checkpoint you will likely miss and a boost pad which you may also miss, if not, sorry you are probably screwed, You may have to go back, then a turn back to the boost pads next to the finish line, and then the finish line.

Likely shortcuts

From the first set of many ramps after the speed, if you slow down and drop down to the last turn go past the boost pad, to the checkpoint, turn back and go with the boost over the turn, to the other boost pads and to the finish. I tried it and lowered the 1:19:32 I had to a 37:39 so I recommend it because it is very simple.


Things to watch out for

Since this is a remake, multiple things changed which include:
  • The physics

    The speed is faster then in the original thus resulting in parts of the track likely being(even accidentally) skipped. As well as, it is very difficult(unlike the title suggests) in some parts of the track.

  • The widthness of the turbo

    The original shortcut no longer works due to this.

    Original world record set by

    Pulloverhemd https://tmnforever.tm-exchange.com/usershow/8948236
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