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 Norwegian Roads

by  EwyBoi  |  10
AT   00:41.838 |  Stadium / CarSport   |   Intermediate 
ID  43263 
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# Record User Score Date
1st   00:42.298   green-K- 10 (100%)
 Author Comments
Map is based on a true road in the mountains of Norway.
 Embedded objects38 Objects
Object IX? Object author
Light_SpotPoint_Red_1.Item.Gbx stupskiesel.nc
Light_SpotPoint_White_1.Item.Gbx stupskiesel.nc
Light_Spot_White_1.Item.Gbx stupskiesel.nc
Light_Spot_White_2.Item.Gbx stupskiesel.nc
Light_Point_Blue_1.Item.Gbx stupskiesel.nc
Light_Point_Purple_3.Item.Gbx stupskiesel.nc
Light_Point_White_1.Item.Gbx stupskiesel.nc
z Water1x.Item.Gbx thechraz
Pebbles02.Item.Gbx thechraz
z Low1xV1.Item.Gbx thechraz
MyMagnetTilt2UpLeft.Item.Gbx Entity
MyMagnetSlopeEnd.Item.Gbx Entity
roadsign_diamond5.Item.Gbx depehu
roadsignlefttoright.Item.Gbx depehu
roadsignleftx2.Item.Gbx depehu
sign_detourahead.Item.Gbx depehu
sign_roadworkahead.Item.Gbx depehu
gps_glow.Item.Gbx Yorsh
FeatherFlagCheckpointx2.Item.Gbx Yorsh
Lava.Item.Gbx Yorsh
Board1.Item.gbx Grymlock
Board3.Item.gbx Grymlock
PathWay.Item.gbx Grymlock
WoodWay.Item.gbx Grymlock
Carp.Item.gbx Grymlock
Crow.Item.gbx Grymlock
Stone.Item.gbx Grymlock
Mountain1.Item.gbx Grymlock
Mountain2.Item.gbx Grymlock
Mountain4.Item.gbx Grymlock
Mountain5.Item.gbx Grymlock
SmallMountain.Item.gbx Grymlock
Fox.Item.gbx Grymlock
LilyPadFlower.Item.gbx Grymlock
Root1.Item.gbx Grymlock
Root2.Item.gbx Grymlock
Root3.Item.gbx Grymlock
Ded_Tree.Item.gbx Grymlock
 38 / 38 items are available on IX View on ItemExchange
 Included in mappacks
Name Creator Tracks Etc
ayo 25 maps for bingo (used)  TarporTM 25