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 MMC - Calming Down

by  Ta Da  |  0
AT   00:28.743 |  Stadium / CarSport   |   Intermediate 
ID  194709 
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Map for Massa's Mapping Comp #2

Build Time:
Route: 1h
Scenery: 5-6h

Mapping restrictions:
Under 30s
P. Surface

Rough combo tbh, but quite happy with the result.

 Embedded objects6 Objects
Object IX? Object author
ArrowNeon.Item.Gbx niZe
GrassRemover.Block.Gbx Zai
mRPG Ultimate - CP3.1.Item.Gbx gfv5z_dnTRujOItTXebR4g
MiddleWaterfallConnector.Item.Gbx Leores
MiddleWaterfallWall.Item.Gbx Leores
Moving_Snow.Item.Gbx Evitro113
 5 / 6 items are available on IX View on ItemExchange
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MMC - Edition #2  Massa94 47