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 Last Days Of Fall

by  ChrisHTM  |  0
AT   01:00.970 |  Stadium / CarSport   |   Intermediate 
ID  146623 
  Scenery Mixed    
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HI, here's my first ever TM map, after starting playing casually for couple of years but watching here and there TM stuff for way longer and being impressed by what TM mappers could do, i've wished to try myself at it and had fun building it, so hope you'll have some if you'd like to test it.

For this first map i tried to keep a way simple and not too long, nothing really hard or tricky but which demands some level to master everything in one try, also as a fan of RPG sceneries, i wished to give it kind of a "RPG" vibe scenery on obviously an autumn theme, into wild dense colored forest, to the luminous city then leading to snowy mountain of winter.

Just a little shootout at the end to all players and creators around the game, especially Yannex and Wingo for their experience and advices shared along their many tests of maps and mapping time on stream which helped me a lot
 Embedded objects47 Objects
Object IX? Object author
Fox_smoothed_001.Item.Gbx Lymantriax
Cube32x04_Water.Item.gbx KamiKalash
Cube32x16_Water.Item.gbx KamiKalash
Collection_2_13.Item.gbx microvert.
Collection_2_5.Item.gbx microvert.
Collection_2_6.Item.gbx microvert.
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FlatSpotPoint2m_W1.Item.Gbx StunTMan
Modern4mWarm_Pwr.Item.gbx StunTMan
Modern4mWhite_Pwr.Item.gbx StunTMan
NeonLight_W1.Item.Gbx StunTMan
NeonLight_W2.Item.Gbx StunTMan
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TowerImpro2.Item.gbx KamiKalash
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TowerFutureRed.Item.gbx KamiKalash
TowerFutureYellow.Item.gbx KamiKalash
ArrowNeonYellow.Item.gbx KamiKalash
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RoadLampSmall.Item.Gbx KamiKalash
RoadSignArrowBiggerY.Item.Gbx KamiKalash
RoadSignArrowSmallerX.Item.Gbx KamiKalash
RoadSignArrowSmallerY.Item.Gbx KamiKalash
SnowBlob.Item.Gbx Yorsh
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TerrainVBig11.Item (1).Gbx dsTdptYAS06hYsbqyCZi1A
TerrainVBig5.Item (1).Gbx dsTdptYAS06hYsbqyCZi1A
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Tree_Dry#02_01.Item.Gbx Heasto
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MiddleWaterfallWall.Item.Gbx Leores
 41 / 47 items are available on IX View on ItemExchange
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