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Track Uploading
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Track Uploading  
Hi everyone, first time poster here!

Yesterday I created a track for the first time, and uploaded it into Trackmania. I can find it (And play it) through the game servers with no issues, but it is nowhere to be found on this site at all. I've tried searching for it via both the track name and my author name, but I've had no luck. Can anyone please help me out?

For those interested, it's called "Titchy's Wet Wood". Would love some feedback!


Trackmania Exchange isn't affiliated with Nadeo; it's a community run track database. So, even though your map has been uploaded to Nadeo, it isn't part of the TMX database. If you want to upload your map here as well, hover over the "Maps" tab and click on "Upload Map".
MTC Host
Hey mate, appreciate the reply. This is my first time doing anything like this, but I'm not sure how to download the map from Nadeo to upload onto the site here. Obviously I have to download the map file to my phone, and then upload it to this site. How do I get it from Nadeo / the game itself?

Cheers, Alex.
If you're playing on PC, your maps are all saved to Documents/Trackmania/Maps in your files.

If you're not playing on PC, then you might be able to download your track from here: https://www.trackmania.com/player/tracks
I don't really know how maps work for non-PC players, so someone else would know for sure what to do.
MTC Host
You're a lifesaver, mate! Thanks a lot for that information, I've downloaded the map. I'll upload it in a second. Cheers again.
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