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MTC May 2024 - Budget Build
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just under the deadline 😅
Location: US
Submissions are now closed! Mappers have 24 hours from this post to make any final edits to their maps. A little after that, voting will begin. I've got a couple new things planned for that, so keep an eye out.
MTC Host
Voting is Open!  
Voting is open, and this month we have a whopping 24 maps. I don't think I've ever hosted an MTC with that many maps, which is both cool and intimidating! Also, I've got a couple new things for voting this month. If you're just looking for how to vote, skip ahead a couple paragraphs.

Firstly, I want to try hosting a chill get together for playing and voting on the MTC maps. If you've joined the Weekly Track Potluck before, this will be very similar. This coming Monday at 8pm EDT, anyone who wants to join can hop into the MTC room and we'll play through all the MTC maps. I'll be in the MX Discord's voice chat, so feel free to hop in, hang out, and do some voting!

Secondly, I've created a Google Form that you can use to vote as an alternative to the MTC room system we've been using. If you're like me and prefer to play the maps offline, this method will let you vote without needing to shuffle through all the maps in the room. If not, the room style of voting is the same as ever, so just go with whichever method works best for you!

Without any further ado, here's how to vote:

Method 1: Room Voting
Nice and easy. Just hop into the MTC room and vote as you play!
  • Go to the "MTC" room found in the TM Exchange club
  • When you're on a map, send one of these vote messages into chat to vote:
    • -- = 1 point (bad)
    • - = 2 points
    • +- = 3 points
    • + = 4 points
    • ++ = 5 points (good)
  • If you need to change your vote on a map, just send your new vote in chat. Only the most recent vote on each map is recorded
  • The jukebox and voting are enabled, so feel free to request, extend, and skip maps

Method 2: Google Form Voting
Great if you like taking your time with the maps. This lets you give more detailed votes and even leave comments for the mappers!
  • First, go to this form: https://forms.gle/NDcR6UCwCZR4pQJf9
  • For each map, give a score between 1 (bad) and 5 (good). Decimals are allowed!
  • If you have comments, add them after your score
  • Example: 4.2 - Fun route, but boring scenery
  • If you don't want to vote on a map, simply don't fill in that map's field

General Voting Info
  • Voting will last for at least one week
  • The map with the highest average rating wins!
  • Everyone can vote! If you made a map, your vote on your own map WILL be counted (feel free to give it a ++ !)
  • You do not need to finish a map to vote on it, but please give it your best effort!
  • You must vote on at least half of the maps for your votes to count
  • If you liked a map, please leave it an award
  • If you have any feedback, please leave a comment on the map's page
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. Otherwise, start driving and get voting!
MTC Host
Any update on the voting?
Not much. I've been a bit busy this month, and there's a ton of maps. But, I do plan on having things done by the end of the month! And if not, then you're free to start a rebel uprising to usurp my position. :p
MTC Host
Small reminder ;)

Rioyter jumps to gold! :gold:

asyr.nj slides into second! :silver:

Bronze is all green-K- needs! :bronze:

Despite having 24 maps, we managed to have absolutely no ties for any position! Some maps were within just one hundredth of a point of each other!

Congratulations to our winners!

Here's the link to the full results sheet, with comments included.

Thanks to all the builders and voters who participated in the contest!

I apologize for taking so long for this MTC. My Excuse of the Month (patent pending) is that June was pretty busy for me in general. I'm aiming to be more expedient for the June MTC's results! Speaking of, that very June MTC is going to enter its voting stage very soon, so keep an eye out for that! I'm planning to do another MTC hangout session for it, too. And, if you're looking to build, July is coming up equally quickly; I'll have a new MTC ready within a couple days!

Thanks again, and see you next time!
MTC Host
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