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Losing connection to Trackmania servers. Help needed.
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Losing connection to Trackmania servers. Help needed.  

I have a problem with connections to Trackmania 2020 servers, mainly the Track review server but also the Track of the day server sometimes.

About 40% of the time I lose the connection at some point. When I try to rejoin it say that I couldn't join because I am already connected. The game recognizes that I am not connected only after a few minutes when the track changes on the server.

Sometimes the problem is worse and this happens multiple times in a row, sometimes it is less of a problem. There seems to be not strict relation to a time of the day. The times are rather random. I started to have the problem in October 2023, but back then I could still rejoin servers immediatly. That changed like a month later, and the problem overall was the worst ion December 2023. Since late January 2024 it is somewhat better, but it still happens.

I tried a few things to fix this like restarting the router, a IP cleaning procedure in the command promt, using a new PC user account, a new internet cable. Maybe it is just the german internet. I also lose sometimes the connection to internet sites for some seconds (seems like 5s-30s periods), but for Trackmania the problem is worse because I get thrown out of the server. In other games it is better, because they handle it better. When I play AoE2 I also have sometimes a 10 second disconnect, but I stay in the game. AoE2 has improved a lot in this regard.

For some reason the problem occurs less often during COTD rounds. Maybe Trackmania uses some other settings especially for those, to ensure that players don't get thrown out of the match so easily. But that is just a speculation.

Here a few screenshots of the problem:



Sometimes I get different messages, these are less often:



Does someone has an idea how to solve the problem? It doesn't make the game entirly unplayable, especially mapping is not affected, but it is very annoying.
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