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A few ideas for adding a little spice into leaderboards (and a couple bug reports)
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A few ideas for adding a little spice into leaderboards (and a couple bug reports)  
Bug 1: seasonal scorecard seems to be including all replays from the last two seasons on Top map scores and Top environments.

Bug 2: when I uploaded a replay on a track with 25 replays, the player on 23rd position (who dropped to 24th as consequence), got -1 replay count on cumulative leaderboard and lost all points obtained on that map. Shouldn't that happen to the player who dropped from 25th to 26th position? (unless someone deleted a map exactly at that moment)

Idea 1: auto-upload personal best while playing. Maybe this could be achieved through Openplanet?

Idea 2: include all Nadeo tracks into cumulative leaderboards (but not into seasonal). This would make cumulative leaderboard more dynamic and thus more entertaining to observe from day to day. Usually it goes for weeks without a position change.

Idea 3: limit seasonal leaderboard to 100 highest scores by each player. It would make more sense. Today it's all about spamming and stockpiling replays during previous three months.

Idea 4: although spamming is bad for competition in the seasonal leaderboard, it is good for map creators. So my idea is to create two extra seasonal leaderboards:
- The seasonal WRs leaderboards: for each top1 in the season the players receives one gold medal, for each top2, one silver medal and for each top3, one bronze medal. The player with most gold medals gets the first place in the leaderboard.
- The discovery leaderboard: player who uploads most replays gets first place, except their own maps. The table could also display the percentage of maps awarded and commented.

Location: BR
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