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by  TheChraz  |  22
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It's a start
AT   00:22.398 |  Stadium / CarSport   |   Beginner 
ID  35853 
  LOL Reactor    
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# Record User Score Date
1st   00:22.054   stupskiesel 22 (100%)
2nd   00:22.105  DEMO 17.6 (80%)
3rd   00:22.210  l_urk 14.3 (65%)
4th   00:22.221  Zarixon 12.1 (55%)
5th   00:22.222  DrathanShax 10.12 (46%)
6th   00:22.338  Terrasil 8.8 (40%)
7th   00:22.803  manu2k21 7.7 (35%)
 Author Comments
Heyho everyone,

this is my attempt for a lolmap. I hope the concept is kind of unique as you have to fly with the planes through the checkpoints.

I also used the marcPLANE (hence the name) in the map as h3llomarc asked for somebody to include the plane in the map for quite some time :d

Hope you have fun hunting!
 Embedded objects5 Objects
Object IX? Object author
Marc747.Item.Gbx proffasaurus
FinishRing3,5x.Block.Gbx 5X7FYPqoTyWnW8fpyvCv5Q
RedReactor2x.Block.Gbx 5X7FYPqoTyWnW8fpyvCv5Q
SheepKlein.Item.Gbx 5X7FYPqoTyWnW8fpyvCv5Q
RingCP2.5Scaled.Item.Gbx 5X7FYPqoTyWnW8fpyvCv5Q
 1 / 5 items are available on IX View on ItemExchange