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 [MTC] - Don't Drink & Drive!!!

by  RaviFennec  |  19
Open to feedback
It's a start
AT   02:34.868 |  Stadium / CarSport   |   Advanced 
ID  22200 
 Visible (approved) |  Released 
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 Offline records
# Record User Score Date
1st   02:35.793  SimonLuck31 19 (100%)
2nd   02:41.922  deadfish 15.2 (80%)
3rd   02:44.118  timmy»UD 12.35 (65%)
4th   02:44.436  ArkesTM 10.45 (55%)
 Author Comments
Here's my submission for the Monthly Track Competition of December 2020! Keeping in with the competition's theme, I've taken a lot of options off the wishlist. I covered the following:

1: Use a multilap start for the route to start and finish in - 5 points
2: Use two reactor boosters - 3 points
3: Include no engine parts that are all together at least ten seconds long - 5 points
6: Involve two backwards parts of at least 4 seconds each - 5 points
7: Have two dirt turns in your map - 2 points
8: Drive on three blocks from folder 9 - 3 points
9: Include two no-steering sections in your map - 3 points
10: Add four differing loops to your map - 5 points
12: Use 8 different CPs - 4 points
14: Add a reuse - 2 points

Total points: 37

On record, this is probably the longest track I've built since the first time I picked up the TM franchise. It's also my first time making custom signs of my own, which is rather nice. I hope you'll have a great time playing it!
 Embedded objects6 Objects
Object IX? Object author
2-6-1_TM2_RoadDirtToRoadHalfA.Block.Gbx eFFecT
CP-stripe-x2-norespawn-autorotate.Item.Gbx stupskiesel.nc
CP-stripe.Item.Gbx stupskiesel.nc
WoodSlopeTurnLHigh.Item.Gbx Rxelux
DirtSlopeTurnRHigh.Item.Gbx Rxelux
winterhouse4.Item.Gbx depehu
 6 / 6 items are available on IX View on ItemExchange
 Included in mappacks