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 MTC | Nitchy

by  nity68150 +1 |  10
High quality
AT   00:53.504 |  Stadium / CarSport   |   Advanced 
ID  18719 
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# Record User Score Date
1st   01:11.965  SkiFreak 10 (100%)
 Author Comments


Hello and welcome to our first duo map,

This took us a lot of work ( we didn't count but we believe around 30 hours overall ).

Both of us : Nity and   Litchy ; worked on every aspect of the track.

This track is a surreal stroll in space, you will go through turn overs, tubes and wallrides in an environment decorated with different shades of pink.

In a sublime timing, the theme of this month's MTC collides perfectly with our track
the challenge is to create a track around one color, which is pink in our case
( although we started building long before the theme was revealed ).

We would like to thank u.b.m for his help with the trees :   u.B.m

& a special thank u to Skyliner for the video :
--->his page :   Inactive

We hope you will enjoy the track, have fun !

mod : http://ts.covertstrike.org/zip/pinkworld2.zip

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 8 / 15 items are available on IX View on ItemExchange
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