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  Indigo Enigma

by  UplnejMagor  |  0
It's a start
AT   00:39.874 |  Stadium / CarSport   |   Intermediate 
ID  171850 
  FullSpeed Nascar    
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Conquer the night as you speed through a breathtaking landscape of towering black and white structures, bathed in glowing purple light. Push your limits and revel in the surreal beauty of this high-octane, otherworldly track.
 Embedded objects16 Objects
Object IX? Object author
U_PP_Tur_Flat_Flat_Up2_Right3_Size3.Item.gbx Juice
S_RT_Tur_HBLeft_HBLeft_Up1_Left5_Size5.Item.gbx Juice
S_RT_Tur_HBLeft_HBLeft_Up2_Left5_Size5.Item.gbx Juice
S_RT_Tur_HBRight_HBRight_Even_Right5_Size5.Item.gbx Juice
S_RT_Tur_HBRight_HBRight_Up2_Right5_Size5.Item.gbx Juice
T_RT_Tur_Flat_HBRight_Down1_Right4_Size4.Item.gbx Juice
T_RT_Chi_HBRight_HBLeft_Up1_Right1_Size4.Item.gbx Juice
T_RT_Chi_Flat_HBRight_Down1_Left1_Size4.Item.gbx Juice
T_RT_Str_HBLeft_HBRight_Up1_Center_Size4.Item.gbx Juice
T_RT_Str_HBRight_HBLeft_Down1_Center_Size4.Item.gbx Juice
T_RT_Str_Flat_HBLeft_Up1_Center_Size4.Item.gbx Juice
T_RT_Str_Flat_HBRight_Up1_Center_Size4.Item.gbx Juice
DungeonFlameLight.Item.Gbx SparklingW
ArrowNeonPurple.Item.gbx KamiKalash
TreeSquarePurple.Item.gbx KamiKalash
double respawn.Gbx.Item.Gbx VBvMSwxPQ9Wqs4yQ0SeSkA
 15 / 16 items are available on IX View on ItemExchange